I am looking for someone who is at least 22 years old, Kiambu based sugar daddy

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Obadiah, early 40s, financially stable and looking for a partner who is single, faithful and loving, perhaps longing for the comfort and companionship that a committed relationship can provide. Age is not a defining factor for me, but I am looking for someone who is at least 22 years old, as I believe that a certain level of life experience is necessary for a healthy and fulfilling partnership.

I believe that finding the right partner is an essential part of living a happy and fulfilling life. While financial stability and material comfort are important, they are not the only things that matter. I am seeking someone who shares my values and interests, someone who is open to exploring new experiences and building a strong, meaningful connection. Whether it’s sharing a quiet night at home or exploring the world together.

If you are a single lady who is looking for a partner and feels that we might be a good match, I would love to hear from you. While I cannot guarantee that we will be a perfect fit, I am committed to being honest, respectful, and open-minded as we get to know each other. Let’s start a conversation and see where it leads!

Text or WhatsApp Admin Brenda on 0726955672 for more info about her and instant connections. The connection fee is kes 650

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1 comment

Lydiah 11 Jun, 2023 - 10:23 pm

i need a sugar daddy


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